Kenmore Village

Father's Day Ideas

Just for Dad

Gift Suggestions

Looking for a great Father’s Day gift? See a small example of gifts, cards, nibbles and novelty items available at Kenmore Village today!
Darrell Lea Dad’s Bag
Puzzles and Gifts
Assorted Gifts 
Father’s Day Cards
Novelty Cups
Dad’s Serving Boards
Assorted ADINA Watches
Potted Plants & Chocolates
Instant ECOGRILL Kit
Phone Holders & Cases
Grill Apron  || Assorted Gifts

Fat Cow Gourmet Meats’ are your friendly local butchers at Kenmore Village.

Visit the team in-Centre for the finest grass or grain-fed beef, cut to order just the way Dad likes it!

You can also find all of your favorite lamb, chicken and pork cuts along with a selection of every day gourmet items available in-store!

Planning a BBQ?

cooking the Perfect


First bring steak to room temperature.

Then heat pan or BBQ to hot.

Drizzle steak with oil and season with salt and pepper on both sides of steak.

Well Done
5-6 minutes per side, rest for 6 minutes.

Medium Well
3 and 1/2 minutes each side, rest for 5

3 minutes each side, rest for 4 minutes.

Medium Rare
2 and 1/2 minutes each side, rest for 4

2 minutes each side, rest for 2 minutes.


Fresh Food & dining

Meals together are a great way to make memories. From cooking at home to dining out, choose from a range of fresh food and dining options in-Centre.

Mediterranean Style baked capsicums

A delicious and easy accompaniment to any Father’s Day BBQ!


Step 1
Preheat oven 180C/160C fan-forced. Slice tops from each capsicum. Reserve tops. Scoop out seeds and membrane. Discard. Stand capsicums in a baking paper-lined roasting pan.

Step 2
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large non- stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Add onion. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until softened. Add garlic. Cook for 1 minute or until fragrant. Add mince. Cook, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up mince, for 5 minutes or until browned. Add herbs, tomato, rice and 1/2 cup cold water. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 5 minutes or until sauce starts to thicken. Remove from heat.

Step 3
Divide mince mixture evenly between capsicums. Place 1 reserved top on each stuffed capsicum. Drizzle with remaining oil. Bake for 45 minutes or until capsicums have softened and skins start to darken.

Step 4
Serve capsicums with salad leaves.


4 large red or yellow capsicums

1/4 cup olive oil (extra virgin)

1 large brown onion, finely diced

300 lean beef mince

2 garlic cloves, peeled & crushed

1 tablespoon fresh Oregano Leaves

1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, roughly chopped

1/2 cup fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped

400g can chopped tomatoes

1/2 cup long-grain white rice

Salad leaves, to serve

Find your fresh ingredients in-Centre
at Coles!


When was the last time your Dad had a relaxing massage? Choose an experience from our range of services.
Massage Vouchers
Laser Hair Removal
Travel Getaways


Style Cuts || Trims

Just for fun

Dad Jokes!

When does a joke become a Dad joke?

When it becomes

What time did the man go to the dentist?

Tooth hurt-y.

What is the fastest liquid on earth?

Milk, it's pasteurised
before you see it.

What does a baby computer call his father?


How do you organize a space party?

You planet...

Wanna hear a joke about paper?

Never mind — it's tearable.

What else is on at kenmore village: